Kelly Granite Enck Hypnotherapist: 206-507-3203

Silent Brain Training™

Silent Consciousness Teacher

Silent Brain Training to reach Silent Consciousness, created by Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Benefits of Silent Brain Training™ (SBT)

Kelly Granite Enck specializes in working with severe cases of anxiety, trauma, panic attacks, and OCD through Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), helping clients overcome deeply ingrained mental patterns. She developed Silent Brain Training (SBT) as a powerful method to transcend the ego—the inner voice that often traps us in repetitive thought patterns—and guide clients into the state of pure consciousness, known as Silent Consciousness.

What is Silent Consciousness?
Silent Consciousness represents a state of profound mental stillness where the mind is free from thoughts and inner dialogue, allowing one to be fully present in the moment. This is the state of self-realization or pure consciousness, a deep awareness where the limitations of the ego and individual identity fall away. Ancient teachings emphasize that the ego is a mental construct shaped by identification with thoughts, emotions, and external stimuli. Through introspective practices like self-inquiry, one can dissolve these mental constructs and experience the truth of existence, beyond the personal self. Silent Consciousness is the realization that you are not your thoughts—you are the pure awareness that observes them.

In this state, the brain functions optimally, free from the constant chatter of thoughts. Instead of being bogged down by mental noise, you gain access to a vast well of intelligence, including stored memories and even higher intuition. When caught up in thought, you lose this clarity and become entangled in the “movie” of your mind. Silent Brain Training helps you stop engaging with these thoughts, freeing you from the suffering they create.

Silent Brain Training Explained
Silent Brain Training™ (SBT) is a structured method designed to restore the brain to its natural state of thriving: fully present, free from the burdens of constant thought, and aligned with your highest potential. SBT liberates you from the cycle of anxiety, fear, anger, and guilt that modern society often normalizes. By quieting the mind, you are able to evolve beyond reactive patterns rooted in the reptilian brain, entering a state of clarity, creativity, and peace.

Scientific research shows that thoughts are generated as the brain processes environmental stimuli, often triggering emotional responses and physical sensations. However, the realization that “you are not your thoughts” is key to transcending them. SBT trains the mind to choose silence over mental noise, granting access to a state of calm and mastery.

As Albert Einstein eloquently put it:
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a prison for us… Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature.”

Silent Brain Training offers a way to break free from this mental “prison” and expand into a state of unity and peace.

Ancient Wisdom and Silent Consciousness
Silent Consciousness has long been explored in spiritual traditions, particularly in the teachings of Mauna (Silence) and Samadhi (meditative absorption). Influential sages like Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj emphasized self-inquiry and meditation as paths to self-realization. Ramana Maharshi’s practice of asking “Who am I?” dissolves the ego, revealing the truth of pure consciousness. Nisargadatta Maharaj, another profound teacher, guided students to realize the illusion of the individual observer, enabling the experience of pure awareness free from mental content.

These ancient practices align with modern neuroscience, which shows that the brain can develop new pathways for emotional regulation and higher consciousness when freed from repetitive negative thought loops.

Overcoming Overthinking
Silent Brain Training (SBT) forms an integral part of Kelly’s Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) sessions. Overthinking triggers the fight-or-flight response, keeping the body in a state of chronic stress. SBT, however, retrains the brain to silence this inner turmoil, bringing you back to the present moment where true peace resides.

A simple intention to live consciously can transform your experience. As you practice, remind yourself:
“I see to it that each step I take is ideally suited towards the outcome I hope to achieve.”
This affirmation empowers you to stay focused on your path, shaping your life through conscious intention rather than reactive thought patterns.

The full Silent Brain Training process takes 21 days of dedicated practice. By the end of this period, your brain will achieve a state akin to that of Olympic-level meditation masters. SBT has proven effective for people of all ages—from children as young as six to adults in their nineties—helping them break free from anxiety, fear, and limiting beliefs.

The Path of Silent Consciousness
Silent consciousness is not simply about being quiet; it’s about experiencing a mental state where internal dialogue ceases. In this state, there is no longer an “individual” observing life; instead, there is a direct experience of life itself, unfiltered by ego. This expanded state of awareness often goes unnoticed until it is experienced, but once reached, it transforms one’s perception of reality and self.

You can begin your journey to Silent Brain Training and access Silent Consciousness by booking a Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) session with Kelly. Each session includes the SBT method, tailored to your unique needs. Click the secure “Book Now” button to schedule your session at a convenient time in your time zone.

Want to work with me?

Top Rated Hypnotherapist

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) is a one-time, 2-hour session, designed to clear negative events in one’s past, that trigger emotions, feelings, and physical sensations, that range in intensity. At the root of all trauma is fear, once cleared my clients return back to their natural state of thriving and joy!

Often in a single Rapid Resolution Therapy session, you can clear, transform, and resolve lifelong issues with lasting results. Silent Brain Training is included in the RRT Therapy session.

Kelly Granite Enck, B.A., CHt.
Certified and Licensed Clinical Hypnotist & Rapid Resolution Therapy® Practitioner.

Silent Brain Training™ (SBT) can be used by anyone wanting to quiet their mind and master living fully conscious in the present moment with a brain in singular focus. When the brain is not caught in the cycle of rumination and mental chatter, it operates at a higher level of efficiency and power. Neuroscience shows that a silent brain enhances emotional regulation, strengthens cognitive function, and increases resilience by activating the prefrontal cortex. This leads to sharper focus, greater clarity, and improved decision-making. Kelly Granite Enck, B.A., CHt., Certified and Licensed Clinical Hypnotist & Rapid Resolution Therapy® Practitioner, developed Silent Brain Training™ to help clients overcome anxiety and heal from deep trauma, providing lasting relief in just one session. This transformative process unlocks a state of calm, where distractions fade and the brain’s full potential is unleashed, making the present moment your most powerful ally.

Book your Appointment directly on Kelly’s calendar in your time zone by using the secure “Book Now” button. 

Kelly services clients worldwide via Zoom. You can get the same great results without leaving the comfort of your own home. And In-Office on Lake Washington, in Seattle, WA.

 Sessions are available for Children/Teenagers/Adults


Doylestown Hypnosis 

Rapid Resolution Therapy 

10718 Riviera PL NE Seattle Wa. 98125

Seattle Office: 206-507-3203


Kelly Granite Enck – Silent Brain Training™
Ramana Maharshi
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Mind silence
Quiet mind
Stop overthinking
Mental stillness
Inner peace
Calm mind techniques
Silent consciousness
Mindfulness practice
Mental clarity
Thought control
Brain quieting
Stress relief techniques
Meditation for mental silence
Present moment awareness
Stop racing thoughts
Emotional regulation
Subconscious reprogramming
Conscious breathing
Focused awareness
Silent brain training
Hypnosis for mental clarity
Quiet mind hypnosis
Hypnotherapy for anxiety relief
Silent brain therapy
Mental stillness therapy
Hypnosis for overthinking
Calm mind hypnotherapy
Hypnosis for stress reduction
Therapy for quieting the mind
Hypnotherapy for mental silence
Relaxation hypnosis
Therapy for mental chatter
Hypnosis for thought control
Silent mind hypnotherapy
Cognitive quieting therapy
Subconscious mind relaxation
Hypnosis for peace of mind
Therapy for inner calm
Emotional regulation hypnosis
Mindfulness-based hypnotherapy