Kelly Granite Enck Hypnotherapist: 206-507-3203
Top Rated Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Top Rated Hypnotherapist Seattle

Kelly Granite Enck, B.A., C.Ht. Certified and Licensed Hypnotherapist (NGH) and Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner.

Online Hypnotherapy

Top Rated Hypnotherapist 

Silent Brain Training (SBT) developed by Kelly Granite Enck

 Silent Consciousness Teacher

Silent Brain Training (SBT) is a technique created by Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck to help her clients reach the state of Silent Consciousness, free from all suffering, which is caused by the constant inner-dialouge.

Kelly Granite Enck works with clients who have severe cases of anxiety, trauma, PTSD, OCD and Grief as a Hypnotherapist. To help her clients overcome anxiety in a single session, she created Silent Brain Training (SBT). The goal of Silent Brain Training is to transcend the inner voice, or what is also called ego, to reach pure consciousness, known as Silent Consciousness. In the state of Silent Consciousness anxiety and traumas are  transcended.

Silent Consciousness 

Silent Consciousness is a state of being, in which the mind is free from all thoughts, and inner dialogue, and one is fully engaged in the present moment. This state is also known as self-realization or pure consciousness, where one experiences the absolute truth of existence beyond the limitations of the ego and individual identity. The ego or individual identity is a construct of the mind, created by identification with thoughts, emotions, and external objects. Through self-inquiry, one can question the nature of the self and discover that it is not limited to these constructs but is instead pure consciousness. By focusing on this pure consciousness and letting go of all thoughts and attachments to the ego, one can enter into a state of silent consciousness.

The brain is in peak state when you are in the present moment, free from thoughts, and in this state the brain is silent. This does not mean that you cannot access memories, it is the opposite; you have access to all the data your brain has ever read throughout your lifetime, and you even have access to infinite intelligence. When you are in your head engaging with thoughts, you are not fully conscious, but rather lost in the “movie of thoughts”. When we engage with the thoughts popping in our head, we become the victim of them, suffering each time.


Silent Consciousness

In the realm of spirituality and self-discovery, Silent Consciousness is a profound state often sought after by those on the path to enlightenment. It is characterized by a deep inner stillness and a disengagement from the incessant chatter of the thinking mind. This silence is not merely an absence of sound but an expansive presence of peace and awareness. It is in this tranquility that one can find a connection to the true self, which is beyond thoughts, emotions, and sensory perceptions.

How to Train the Brain to be Silent

Non-Duality refers to the philosophical, spiritual, or religious experience where there is no separation between a subject and object; it is the perception that everything is interconnected and that the sense of a separate self is an illusion. In non-dual traditions, such as Advaita Vedanta, this concept suggests that there is only one essential reality (often referred to as Brahman in Hindu texts) and that all forms of apparent division or duality are simply illusions created by the mind.

Pure Consciousness

The term Pure Consciousness denotes an ultimate state of being that transcends our ordinary experience of consciousness, which is typically colored by individual identity, thoughts, beliefs, and sensory experiences. Pure Consciousness is considered the essence of our being – unchanging, eternal, and fundamental. It’s often described as the ground state from which all experiences arise and to which they return. In various spiritual traditions, accessing this level of consciousness is synonymous with attaining a state of enlightenment or self-realization.


Enlightenment is a concept central to many spiritual paths. It represents a profound understanding or awakening to the ultimate truth about life, reality, and one’s own existence. This awakening involves recognizing the illusory nature of the individual self (ego) and experiencing unity with the entire cosmos. Enlightenment is often associated with attributes such as wisdom, compassion, equanimity, and an enduring sense of inner peace.

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

To attain these states of being—Silent Consciousness, Non-Duality, Pure Consciousness, Enlightenment—individuals may engage in various practices such as meditation, contemplation, self-inquiry, and ethical living. These practices can help peel away layers of misconception and lead one towards a direct experience of their true nature.

Silent Brain Training (SBT) is a hypnotherapy method designed to return your brain to your natural state of thriving, fully conscious, in the present moment. Silent Brain Training (SBT) offers you a way out of the seemingly endless drama of suffering, anxiety, confusion, fear, anger, guilt, and grief that our species has skillfully normalized over the years. Thoughts are created by the brain as it processes data from our environment. Thoughts create our emotions, feelings, and physical sensations. The good news is that we are not our thoughts. When we do not engage with the thoughts popping in our head, we evolve consciously beyond the reptilian brain! And when we choose silence over brain chatter, we choose peace over suffering.

Albert Einstein once said, “A human being is a part of the whole called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT)

Silent Brain Training (SBT) is included in Kelly’s Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Sessions. The silent brain gives the body a break from the fight or flight autonomic nervous system responses caused by repetitive negative thoughts. The Silent Brain allows you to live in the Present Moment. Say to yourself often, “I see to it that each step I take is ideally suited towards the outcome I hope to achieve in the end.” This keeps you the creator of your life, setting intentions.

The Silent Brain Training (SBT) is completed within 21 days of the training period, during which you will be using the techniques. Your brain will be equal to an Olympic Level Master Meditator on day 21, by using my method. Kelly has taught this method to clients as young as six years old and up to ninety-two years old, liberating them from fears and anxiety!

Silent Consciousness

Silent consciousness is not about being silent, it’s about experiencing a state of mind where there is no internal dialogue. It is the state of being so absorbed with life, that there is no individual you. One must experience not identifying with the voice in the head to fully comprehend it. Most people do not even realize they are missing this state of consciousness until they have expanded into it.

Book your Silent Brain Training Today!

You can book an appointment with Kelly to learn Silent Brain Training, by signing up for her Rapid Resolution Therapy Session, which includes, Silent Brain Training (SBT). Use the secure book now button, and pick a time and date in your time zone that works best for you!

Rapid Resolution Therapy Online

Want to work with me?

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) the cutting-edge Hypnotherapy. My Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) sessions are 2-hours long, and often in a single RRT session lifelong issues are transformed, cleared, and resolved, with lasting results. I look forward to helping you! Kelly Granite Enck, Certified Hypnotherapist and Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Advanced Practitioner.

Book your Appointment directly on Kelly’s calendar in your time zone by using the secure “Book Now” button. If you have any questions about the Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) session send Kelly an email.

Remote Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) sessions conducted via ZOOM offer numerous benefits to clients. The comfort and familiarity of being in their own homes create a relaxed atmosphere that promotes effective therapy. Additionally, having their pets, such as dogs, by their side can further enhance this sense of comfort and ease during the session.



Doylestown Hypnosis 

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) 

10718 Riviera PL NE Seattle Wa. 98125

Seattle Office: 206-507-3203

Doylestown Office: 215-840-0684


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